Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget vulputate metus. Curabitur commodo lectus sodales lectus elementum cursus. Duis congue feugiat accumsan. Aenean libero urna, sollicitudin et nulla ut, pellentesque consequat dolor. Donec et risus porttitor, fermentum magna eu, sollicitudin lectus. Cras pellentesque vestibulum diam, eget vehicula nisl ultrices id. Donec at ligula facilisis, venenatis magna et, tempus purus. Proin porta, mauris vel malesuada laoreet, leo tellus iaculis ligula, in sollicitudin tortor purus et est. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis aliquam ipsum tellus, non maximus augue elementum eu. Fusce condimentum non urna at gravida. Nunc id iaculis eros, nec sodales urna. Sed et urna vel purus volutpat feugiat sit amet et dui. Sed ante purus, placerat et varius id, elementum et nunc. Phasellus convallis iaculis mattis.
Proin eu neque erat. Donec lorem tellus, varius et tellus quis, cursus ornare eros. Nulla vitae neque ut ex facilisis tristique. Cras ultrices facilisis lectus, ac luctus purus vulputate a. Morbi eget ullamcorper metus. Sed imperdiet non libero at sagittis. Donec at rhoncus nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris sagittis diam ultricies, ultrices lorem non, efficitur metus. Morbi vehicula neque eget augue efficitur aliquet. Sed elementum congue ipsum, eu ullamcorper justo luctus at. Nulla porttitor non elit eu suscipit. Nam elit tortor, tincidunt eu aliquam at, tristique et dolor.
PVC joinery manufactured by us is based on the German profiles of Aluplast system. They provide 60% of energy savings, the excellent sound insulation, the protection against dust pollution. It is achieved due to the specialist sealing systems and the manufacturing accuracy of various parts.
Due to the usage of the high quality components and the modern technology, the products of our PVC joinery are resistant to all weather conditions as well as to chemical compounds in the air. Our products in comparison with the traditional woodwork do not undergo the process of ‘aging’ and do not require complicated maintenance.
IDEAL 4000 profile series combines the latest technology with the highest living comfort. The solid construction of 70 mm deep profiles and the huge chambers for steel reinforcements guarantee optimum static parameters and allow to make large windows. On the other hand, the multi-chamber structure ensures the high thermal and acoustic insulation. IDEAL 4000 system is universal in terms of its application. It proves itself both in the modern architecture of single and multi-family houses and in renovations. In the latter case, when it is often impossible to enlarge the window opening, a particularly important advantage is the reduced height of the frame and the sash, which increases the area of glazing and allows more light to enter rooms.
The classic, elegant lines in the slender profiles with the distinctive contours of the non-faced version guarantee timeless elegance. The round-line series has been developed for people seeking exceptional possibilities for window creation. It is characterized by delicate optics and mild rounding.
Ideal 4000 Straight Profile – non-faced 3-pane package
Ideal 4000 Round Line Profile 3-pane package
Ideal 400 Straight Profile – non-faced
Ideal 400 Round Profile Line
IDEAL 7000 profile series is dedicated to energy-efficient building industry. The embedding depth amounting to 85 mm and the six-chambered structure of the profiles guarantee above-average thermal properties of the window. The large chamber with the solid steel reinforcement guarantees the stability of the frame.
Współczynnik – coefficient
Nowość - Novelty
aluminium windows english text